
Those who went down at " Battle of Surabaya 27/28 Febr 1942" Hr.Ms. De Ruyter


Dear Sir,

I apologize for bothering you.

I understand that you do have a list of crew members of Hr.Ms. De Ruyter - sunk - Battle of Java sea 27/28 Febr 1942.
My brother - whom I have never known since he died before I was born was one of those who went down.
Could and would you pls be so kind to check his name on the crew list and if so, would you pls be so kind to submit me a copy of this part of the list in which his name appears?
C. Boers - 1st Class Stoker - born 19 April 1919 (?) - Stbn 20091.
I would appreciate your help very much and like to thank you in advance.
Pls do repy to:
Hans Boers      orchid@zonnet.nl  or  imexbo@zonnet.nl  or jboers1@chello.nl  Pls do NOT push the reply button on this email.
Best regards,
Hans Boers.
Dordrecht / The Netherlands.


At long last I have been able to get a list of those who died at the Battle of Surabaya.

The name you seek is Number 174 on this list, and I have Ian McLeod to thank for this information.

All the best for 2005.

Mackenzie Gregory.

Dear Sir,

I acknowledge receipt of the list and I do thank you for sending it.

I really do appreciate it a lot. Again, many thanks for all your efforts and assist.

I contacted the Royal Dutch Navy requiring some additional information about my late brother's file, begin december 2004 and I just received a letter from them telling me:  Dear Sir, we are so busy doing our daily job. Please wait another 3 months and we will TRY to grant your request and will revert to you.
(This department's daily job is filing and archiving  personel's details. !!!! That must be a hell of a job being so busy !!!  I wrote them back telling them that my brother was also busy doing his job those days, but the Japs did not grant him and sent him a torpedo instead.)

I wrote another Navy department ( History and Museum) and they sent me after 2 months a copy of my brother's final salary. It was stated like this on the paper: " Full and final paid NLG (Netherlands Guilders) 877,-- ( equivalent United States Dollars 400,-- for being Killed in Action !!!!"
The Navy paid this amount 8,5 years after his KIA 1942 to an unknown person.

I wrote a third letter to another department which is responsible for maintaining the graves and memorials of the soldiers and marines. They required 8 USD for a copy of the memorial statue in Surabaya on which my brother's name is mentioned as being KIA 1942.!!! I don't care about this 8 USD but I do care about those guys being so ashamed.

So I got something to do now and will sue the Navy for making such mistakes.

I wish you and family members indeed all the best for 2005, lots of health and joy.
May you enjoy life and summer.

Thanks again and regards,

Hans Boers - Dordrecht/The Netherlands.

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