
Dive on Montevideo Maru

(see "Death at Sea in World War 2")

Dear Mac,
I have just come across your web site and think it is extremely interesting and thought that you might be able to assist me.I am searching for information regarding a Mrs Schmidt  from Rabaul who I understand many years ago had written a book about The Montevideo Maru and the men lost or a Miss Cynthia Schmidt who I understand is planning to dive on the Montevideo Maru and then return to New Guinea to find the remains of the men killed there. All I have is the enclosed article with no contact details. Do you know anything?


Hello Joan.

Thank you for you E-Mail, and your kind comments about our AHOY web site, a composite effort, I research and write all of its content, whilst the hard bit of translating that into what anyone may care to find, or by chance visit our site, is done by my friend Terry Kearns from Atlanta, Georgia, without him the site would never have reached the level it has today.

Now, you raise an interesting facet about the Australians, both civilian and service personnel from Rabaul, it is difficult to know who were actually on board the Montevideo Maru, when she was purportedly struck down by the US Submarine Porpoise, and we may never be able to unravel that mystery.

I have read that someone planned to dive on the wreck last February, the ship's actual position is, I believe, not certain, but she is likely in very deep water making any dive difficult. I have not been able to tie down whom, or when, a possible dive upon  Montevideo Maru may be attempted, all of my diving contacts are unable to help in this regard. 

Joan, I am unaware of the Schmidt involvement in either the case of Mrs, or Miss Schmidt, but will try and do some trawling, I will get back to you with, or without any success.

Nice to hear from you,

Best regards,


You may not have seen this reference to Adolf Schmidt: The Second World War and the Islands of New Guinea.



Have you seen this report about the Montevideo Maru?



Dear Mac,

I came across a letter on your web site from Joan.

I do not know where any one has got the idea that I was going to dive on The Montevideo Maru.

For the last four years  I have been working full time on what happened to "Over One Thousand Missing Men" from New Britain, New Ireland and Surrounding Islands in The Mandated Territory of New Guinea.

I was evacuated with My Mother and Brother 12 Years, on the last D C 3 out of Rabaul on 28 December 1941 and returned to Rabaul 1946.

My Father was Director of Native Education and a Member of The New Guinea Volunteer Rifles.

In 1947 Natives came and told us that my Father had been beheaded by the Japanese in April 1944.   The Natives took us to the place where my Father had been beheaded and lined up the mountains and pointed to the exact place and I was also taken to other Execution and Burial Sites.

They said "Masta's no go bilong ship, Masta's di bilong Island"

I grew up with all the stories of the Atrocious that happened on New Britain, New Ireland and Surrounding Islands during the Japanese occupation 1942 - 1945.

I promised my late Mother that I would expose the Truth and try and find the remains of "The Missing Men" to give them a Christian Burial.

There are many Relatives of Love Ones Lost, who are searching for the Truth of what really happened, many of then have already filled in Partitions, which have been presented to The Federal Parliament, over Thirteen Hundred Signatures.

At this time, we are searching for funding to go ahead with the second stage of Our Project.



It would be greatly appreciated if you could please adjust your web site, as I have never stated that I was organizing a dive on The Montevideo Maru.

Thank you for caring,



Dear Cynthia,
Thank you for your clarification about the letter from Joan, I have no idea where she received her information that you had planned to dive on the wreck of the Montevideo Maru. For a start, her location has never really been found, and I think she lies in water too deep to dive on using conventional diving equipment any way. May we post your letter to me, immediately following the initial letter from Joan?

That would sort it all out, I am not sure I have retained Joan's E-Mail address, otherwise I would also inform her of her mistaken belief.

What a dreadful way to learn of the appaling death of your Father, the Japanese have much to answer for their behavior in many  different areas of their influence in WW2.

I do trust you are able to bring your important research to fruition in the near future, and finally put that awful episode to rest.

My humble work on the fate of the Montevideo Maru and her Australian POW's, pales to insignificance, when compared to your dedication.

But the truth about many events of WW2 is important, and often takes painstaking research to uncover and record for our generation and posterity.

Thank you again for writing Cynthia.

My kindest regards and wishes.

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