
new magazine 'The Second World War' will launch in October, 2005.

Hi Mac,

I think we have sent each other a couple of emails in the last few months (a bit difficult to keep track as we approach the launch of the new WW2 magazine).
The reason for this email is to ask for an exchange of links.
Our new magazine 'The Second World War' will launch in October, 2005.
The direct URL to the section on our site is:  www.greatnorthernpublishing.co.uk/the-second-world-war.htm
If you could take a look at it at your leisure and then let me know if we can exchange links, that would be great.
Keep up the good work.
All the best.
Mark Marsay - editor

Northern Publishing have already linked us here, with a nice position in the list.  
The editor tells me they already have enough submitted material for their first 6 issues.

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