
Trying to find info on the HMHS Gerusalemme

See "Parents as Jews escaped Hitler's germany in 1939 on the ship Geruselemme"

I am trying to find info on the HMHS Gerusalemme which was used to transport Aus POW's from Hainan at the end of WW2. Any suggestions how to start, where to go?? I already have some pictures and a name or two from the crew.


Dear Mac,

Regarding the above, my father was an S.B.A.aboard this ship when it sailed from Hongkong to Fremantle I think it was, with Australian internees on board.

I still have all his highly detailed letters he wrote to my mother.I also have contempory photos and paper clippings,as well as a painting oil on canvas of the ship leaving Hongkong, together with a brochure of the ship being used as cruise liner after the war.

If I can be of any  assistance please let me know.

Rees David Bowen

HMHS Gerasulamme, as a hopital ship in WW2

Dear Rees,

I hope that I have that right, nice to hear from you.

I would be grateful to have you share any details about the hospital ship Gerusalemme, any photos of the ship, and a copy of your painting, plus the brochure would be great.

We have as least two people interested in her , one in Canada had his Jewish parents use the ship in their escape from Europe.

Most of the British hospital ships had an interesting career.

I never cease to be suprised at where we can gather information from after a specific subject gains an airing on Ahoy.

Best wishes,


My wonderful son-in-law took these pictures of the ship. Hope you find them of interest. I am lending him the other photogragh that would be of interest, icluding several newspaper clippings, which he will scan and send onto you and I direct.
Best Wishes.
Rees D Bowen

My thanks to both your son-in-law and yourself for all the trouble you have been to on my behalf.
I am indeed grateful.
Kindest regards,


Sent by Rees, a photo of a painting of HMHS Gerasulamme, as a hopital ship in WW2, I think it was done in Hong Kong where she was picking up POW's who had been in Japanese hands at the end of WW2.

It was in this ship that Mr and Mrs Katz, Jewish parents of our correspondent from Toronto Canada, had escaped from Europe before WW2 commenced.

The ship then was requisitioned as a hospital ship.

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