
Threatening to demolish a large part of the Jetty at Great Yarmouth, where Nelson landed after the Battle of the Nile in 1800

October 5, 2009

Dear Mac

Great Yarmouth Council is threatening to demolish a large part of the Jetty at Great Yarmouth, where, as you
probably know, Nelson landed after the Battle of the Nile in 1800, to receive the freedom of the Town, and from
which he sailed for the Battle of Copenhagen and returned after the Battle. The jetty is a very important part of
GY's heritage and very important in the history of Nelson. The jetty has fallen into disrepair and is now closed to
the public. The council's application to demolish part of it has been withdrawn.

Great Yarmouth Local History and Archaeological Society is holding a meeting of interested parties on 12th Oct,
7.30pm, the vestry, St Nicholas Church GY. Would you please bring this matter to the attention of the 1805
Club, and we would be very grateful if the club could be represented at the meeting.

With best wishes

Margaret Gooch
MSt Secretary Great Yarmouth Local History & Archeological Society & Secretary, Norfolk & Norwich Archaeological Society

Hello Linda,

The E Mail below is self evident,

I would think your 1805 Club would be most interested about the Greater Yarmouth Jetty. I would urge you, if at all possible to support Margaret and her crew at the proposed meeting, to add your voice of  protest until it becomes a surging wave that swamps the proposers that want to wreck this important piece of Naval history at GY.

Trust all goes well with you and your endeavours.

Best wishes and regards.


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