
This story of HMS Glorious Sinking


This story of HMS Glorious Sinking may be of interest to you.

Wartime carrier's sinking is still shrouded in secrecy

Excerpt from This Is South Wales November 18, 2008

"...This was one of the worst disasters in our naval history, and it still provokes controversy and remains in shadows. Even the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, doubted the Admiralty version of events. Seemingly the tragedy, like so many before and since, was as much due to British military negligence rather than the superior ability of a foe.

"Questions have been asked about this affair in the House of Commons, from 1946 to the present day. Across seven decades, notable historians have failed to agree how men such as Wilfred came to meet their fate. Bit by bit, after much investigation, a picture has emerged of a cover up..."


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