
Spitfire over the Forth Bridge

October 29, 2010


I once saw, and have been searching everywhere for, the photo that you have on your Ahoy webpage showing a Spitfire over the Forth Bridge.

I would like to have a copy of the photo in my home - I live in North Queensferry in one of the houses near the beach that can be seen in the photo.

Can you please advise me where you obtained the photo -- I would like to contact the supplier to order a copy.

Many thanks
Bill Henderson


I cannot find the original.

Here is a copy of photo:

A Spitfire flies over the famous Forth Bridge in 1999 as part of a reunion of the surviving members of the Edinburgh 603 and Glasgow 602 squadrons


Good morning Mac

Just thought that I would let you know: Further to our e-mails of yesterday I have now tracked the ownership of the photo to 'The Scotsman' newspaper based in Edinburgh. They are going to provide me with a print.

Bill Henderson


Thank you for that.



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