
Signal Letters of British Ships

March 11, 2010

Subject: Signal Letters of British Ships


Do you hold any copies of the annual HMSO - London book (Admiralty BR70) Signal Letters of British Ships?

I am quite interested in a private hobby of identifying all RAN ships by their lesser known identities, i.e. their allocated signal letters also known as their wireless telegraphy (W/T) callsigns.

See  http://www.rancba.org.au/Ships_Callsigns.htm  which is a 'work in progress' hobby.

I hold a December 31st copy of 1924, 1946 and 1959, extracts from a 1930 or 32 issue and also a digital copy of the 1919 issue.

Yours aye,
ex-RO/Telegraphist G. R. 'Sandy' McNab


Regretfully no.

You have tackled quite a little known area relating to RAN ships and their Signal Lettters, good luck with your endeavours.

Best wishes,

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