
Shipboard Foundry

March 17, 2009

Mackenzie Gregory

I read an article on your web site in the letter section written by Dan Brown. He was a molder on ten different repair ships. ("Repair/depot ships in the Royal Navy") Mr. Brown said he would be happy to share his knowledge about shipboard foundry's with you. I am much interested in what he might have on the subject. I was on the USS Nereus from 1967 to 1971 and left the navy as a Molder Second Class Petty Officer. Would you please forward my email to him if you can. 

Thank You for any consideration.

Steve wcarver99@hotmail.com

Hello Dan,
Here is some mail from Steve also a Navy molder, who would like to hear from you as convenient.
Best wishes,

Dan Brown, USN (Ret) molderbrown@tenforward.com



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