
SS Southlands

Please can you give me info on SS Southlands ship as I have a painting of her which was passed down to my family by my great great great grandfather. I would like to know the history of her please, were she was made (and) by who, ect.  Photos if possible. In the painting of her in the funnel of ship theres letters HJ; what does this mean is it the artist signiture or who made her. The history what we know is hardley nothing please let me know I have looked at your website very interesting. I hope to hear from you soon

from Karen


I am in Sydney for Xmas, and will be back in Melbourne where all my records are in the New

Year, and will respond again then.

Best wishes for the festive season.


This is all I could track down on any ship called SS Southlands, it came to me via my friend Billy McGee in England.
Can you E-Mail a copy of the painting you have please?
From this information here the ship was built for Jones, Hallett & Company in Cardiff.
I suggest the funnel letters HJ could refer to Hallett and Jones, hope this, although meagre helps a little.
Best regards,

Hi Billy,
Do you please have any details about a ship SS Southlands? It has a definite s on the end, and is not to be confused with USS Southland ( IX 168 )
Myn thanks as always for any assistance, and I trust all goes well with you in 2005.


Hello Mac,

Don't know for certain, but it could be this ship. The following was sent to me by a contact of mine,Ted Finch.
2,985 g.t., 324.5ft x 47.1ft, cargo steamer built 1901 by W. Gray & Co, West Hartlepool for Jones, Hallett & Co, Cardiff. 10th Oct. 1912 wrecked near Cape Gorodetsky on voyage Archangel to London with timber."
Rgds Billy


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