
Royal Dutch Navy in Australia, van Galen

Dear Sir,
Herewith I would appreciate to get any type of information regarding possible assignments of Royal Dutch Navy vessels in N.E. Australia after the loss of the East Indies.

I am trying to put together the navy life of my father who at present is 84 years old, but still extremely stubborn about releasing info on his war history. I do know he was stationed in Ceylon (Trincomalee) and Australia.
Does the name van Galen (Destroyer former UK N-CLass Noble) say anything to your memory.

Awaiting your response,

Kind regards,
M.J. Oosterwijk
St. Maarten, Dutch West Indies.


Here is the history of the Destroyer Van Galen.


Mac. Gregory.

This site maybe of interest to you. See the War at Sea in the DEI.



Best wishes,

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