
Robert George Tapscott and the Jolly Boat of the Anglo Saxon - correction


I just came across an article to do with my dad, Robert George Tapscott. The article I came across, and which I believe originated from you, refers to him as Robert Taggert. This needs to be amended. Also the article refers to the Jolly Boat which was brought back to the UK in 1977. That is totally wrong. It was the late 90s when it was brought back to the Imperial War Museum. Not sure how important that is when somebody picks up an article on the internet but for me as his daughter it is quite important.

Diane Tapscott

See corrected: "British Tramp Anglo Saxon sunk by German Raider Widder. The story of an amazing open boat journey of 70 days"


Firstly my most sincere apologies for the incorrect detail about your Dad and the Jolly boat. I do understand it must be very important to you as his daughter to see that the story reads correctly.

Although I do strive to be accurate on AHOY, I prove my fallability by occasional errors of fact, and am always very pleased to be given the true facts, so we may get the record straight.

It is a truly amazing story, and having fought in The Battle of The Atlantic as a young Midshipman over 1940/1941, I am able to really appreciate the feat of your Dad in surviving such a perilous journey in an open boat.

I have asked Terry Kearns, my webmaster in Atlanta Georgia to change the errors, expand the story of the Jolly Boat by adding its log, and also add the story of the boat coming back to UK, and ultimately going on dispay at the IWM.

This story featuring your Dad deserves to have a wide distribution but more importantly to get it right.

Best wishes and regards from Australia.


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