
Plan to have a Memorial to Count Felix von Luckner in Germany


Matthias Mauer, from Halle, Germany, who published a book about the 104th Infantry Division (Timberwolves)  in Halle and the Count's involvement in saving the city asks me to help him with contacts about a planned memorial to the Count. Just passing this information on to you.

Stay well....Joel

Dear Joel,

Did you receive my last mail.
What do you thing about our plan honouring Count von Luckner. Do you have
any idea who could be of help in this issue.
By the way, there are no costs concerning a "membership" in our group.
Thank you for your help
Best ever


Thanks for copying me about Matthias and his planned Memorial to the Count, I do not know how I could help, but am interested in the concept. I will get in touch with Matthias.

All the best,

Hello Matthias,

Joel Belsky in the US has told me about your plan to have a Memorial to Count Felix von Luckner in Germany. I have long been an admirer of the Count, having written about his exploits as the Sea Devil in his ship Seeadler, in my Mauraders of the Sea. German Armed Merchant Ships of WW1. which is published on my Ahoy Web Site.

I am not sure how I could help your plan, but if you can see any way I may be of assistance please tell me.

Wishing you well, and hoping to hear from you as convenient.

Mac. Gregory.

Hello Mr. Gregory,

Congratulations, you got a really wonderful an informative website, I was more than happy to look at this. Thank you very much for your response. Indeed you can help me and you already did help me in publishing the correspondence between Joel Belsky an me.

We are a group in Halle who want to do something to honour the Count. He is a very, very famous man but because some "reasons" the officials in Halle do not want to get him honoured. This we want to change.

Perhaps you might know that I published a book about the end of World War II in Halle, a town which was entered by the 104th Infantry Division " Timberwolf" in April 1945. The Timberwolves did not want to get the town flatened before entering it and, therefore, they looked for Germans to negotiate and to get the military leaders in Halle convinced to withdraw their troops. In that situation among others Al Newman from "Newsweek" remembered Count von Luckner was living in Halle. They finally met and this meeting saved the city. So Count von Luckner played a very positive role in saving many thousand lives and the city of Halle; he risked much, and he succeeded.

If you are interested I could send you a description of these events (written in English) to be published at your homepage.

Well, how can you help us...?

First, we are looking for people worldwide who are interested in Count von Luckner as we are. We are no society and there are no costs to be paid for those who join our group. We are looking for sponsors for the Luckner Memorial and a Count von Luckner Museum in Halle. We think the person of Count von Luckner still can be taken as an example of  a person who was able not only to bring people, but bring nations together. He in the 20ies travelled among others to the US and told about World War I. These friendship tours were very popular and people outside of Germany were faced with this new, peaceful, country. Unfortunately, Germany did not stay peaceful very long.

So, dear Mr. Gregory, it would be great if we could put you on our list of "members" of this group. I would like to get you informed about our efforts. By the way, there already are private memorials in Halle honouring the Count, one is at the point where he met Al Newman on April 16,1945. The other is a plaque at the house where the Count and the American General (Terry de la Mesa Allen) negotiated in the evening on the same day.

If you ever visit Halle, I would like to welcome you and to be your guide showing all the historic places of that time (for example the living house of Count von Luckner is still standing).

I would like to hear from you again; thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards from Halle/Germany

Matthias J. Maurer


Thank you for your message and very kind words about Ahoy, it results from the combined efforts of my Web Master Terry Kearns in Atlanta Georgia who turns all my writing and research into our site which shows its face to the world and anyone who finds us. We are delighted when we receive comments such as yours, thank you.

I would be pleased to have your English comments on how the Count was able to save Halle at the end of WW2, I was aware of your work, and we will be pleased to add your account to the Count's segment on Ahoy.

I am happy to join your list of "Members" trying to gain recognition for the Count by means of a suitable  Memorial erected in Halle, and will be pleased to help in whatever capacity I am able through our Web Site.

I am continually suprised about the number of enquiries I get from all over this globe of ours about Count Felix and his activities, I think more interest is shown in him than anything else I may have covered on Ahoy.

Thank you for offer should I visit your city in the future, I would indeed enjoy your guided tour.

Do please keep me informed with any progress towards achieving your objective to provide a suitable Memorial to this intrepid Sailor from WW1.

Professor James Bade from the University of Auckland in New Zealand has just had a book published by Peter Lang, GmbH, Frankfurt am Main, titled Von Luckner A Reassessment. Count Felix von Luckner in New Zealand and the South Pacific 1917-1919 and 1938.

I have just received a copy from James, his E-Mail address is: j.bade@auckland.ac.nz

Professor Bade could well be interested in your proposal to erect your Memorial to the Count in Halle, may I suggest you contact him, indicating that I have told you about his new book, and suggested you share your Memorial proposal with him.

Good luck and keep me up to date please.

Kindest Regards,
Mac. Gregory.

Dear Mr. Gregory,

We are glad that you joined our group! From time to time I will let you know what happened concerning the Count and our efforts to get him honoured.

It would be great if you could tell everybody who could be interested ouf our group. We are happy of as many "members" as possible wordlwide. You told me that there are many more admirers of the Count or even people who are interested in that person. Please let them know of the address info@monetarium.de, we will be delighted to have more of them in our team.

I think your website indeed can be an very useful "motor" to publish our final gain for the world. Not the only one, but a very important one, thank you in advance.

Thanks too for information concerning Professor Bade; sure I will buy his book and get into contact with him.

It is going to be a most interesting story!

Enclosed you will find the part of my book relating to Felix Count von Luckner and his efforts for a peaceful end. Please, feel free to publish this on your website using the declaration at the end of the text. Furthermore, I enclosed a picture of my book which you also can use.

Best ever,

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