
Permission to quote you?

Hello Mr MacKenzie
I am a writer adding the finishing touches to a book about the experiences of nine New Zealanders and an Australian in World War Two. The working title of the book is 'Water Warriors', although this is likely to be changed to 'Victory in the Wind' as there is a yachting connection between all of the contributors.  It is to be published by New Holland in time for ANZAC day, 25th April 2008.

I am currently working on a chapter about one man's experience in convoy ONS5 in the Battle of the Atlantic and have referred to your web page  http://ahoy.tk-jk.net/macslog/WilfredRonaldSidneyBavers.html for background information for this man's story. At the end of that web page is the diary of Arthur Howell. I would like to quote the entry from the day before they set out on the convoy, as it paints the scene of what they were about to head in to, very well. The entry proposed is a box, separated from and additional to the text, that includes the reference to your website. Your website will also be quoted in the bibliography. 

I would greatly appreciate it if you would give your permission for this entry to be included in my book.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards 
Sandra Gorter


That is not a problem, incidentally my christian name is Mackenzie and Gregory the surname, but it has been mixed up all my life.

Please tell me when your book actually is available, as I would love to see the finished product.

Good luck with it.


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