
Michael and Ksenia Martyn and their 4 children survived sinking of Athenia

July 20, 2013

Subject: Athenia Survivors
Hello Mac;

Your site has been very interesting reading for me. My mother and her parents and siblings were all survivors of the Athenia.

They appear in the article listing survivors on your site: Athenia Survivors from Knute Nelson landed at Galway.

My grandfather's name was Michael Martyn (mis-spelled Martin in the article) and my grandmother was Ksenia (mis-spelled as Sonia in the article). They were immigrating from Ukraine to Canada on the Athenia.

My mother was 8 years old and has very vivid memories of the event. She was separated from her family for several days and my grandmother was separated from the rest for over a week. Her older brother (10 at the time), younger brother (4 at the time) and younger sister (1 at the time) all survived.

My mother and her younger siblings are all still living in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Thank you for your site. Regards,

Dr. Sandra Shostak

Hello Sandra,

Lovely to hear from you. I am still surprised at the number of contacts I still get about the loss of Athenia.

She was sunk on day 1 of WW2, and here we are almost 74 years later.

Thank you for the name corrections.  I will ask my webmaster to alter those names.

Best wishes,

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