
Marine Stanley Williams of the Prince of Wales.

August 22, 2012

Hello Mac,

I noticed a post on your website from Len Rigg regarding Marine Stanley Williams of the Prince Of Wales the letter was dated 1 May 2012. ("Stanley Williams, Marine, survived the sinking of Prince of Wales but died on 16th Feb 1942, presumably as a prisoner of war") I researched Stanley Williams for some time as I have letters from him to my uncle who was his friend. I posted these on the Force Z website you kindly pointed Len to.

I have been searching for many years for a relative of Stanley Williams so it was great to see Lens letter on your website.

Stanley Williams was rescued from the POW when she sank and joined up with the Plymouth Argylls in the defence of Singapore. He escaped but the small boat he was on was sunk by a Japanese destroyer and he was killed in the
Banka Straights.

I have the information Len is looking for and wondered if you could pass on my contact details to him please. It would really be appreciated.

Many thanks in anticipation of your kind assistance.

Stan Cookson
T:  01204 660010
M: 07792 087038
e: stan@stancookson.co.uk



I regret that I do not have Len Rigg's E-Mail details.




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