
"Lost Medals Australia" searching for descendants of John Wellesley FLOOD and Mrs Rose FLOOD (nee COOMBES)


My name is Bill Wyndham, I am part of the research team for 'Lost medals Australia'   a group of people who have the committed aim of trying to return to either the original recipient, or their next of kin lost then found, stolen and later recovered Service Medals.

Currently I am endeavouring to find descendants of Dr John Wellesley FLOOD and Mrs Rose FLOOD (nee COOMBES), in regard to the possible return of a medal.

Yours in Service 
Bill Wyndham


With regard to this email from Bill, with all your work on Wolf , are you able to provide an answer to his request for any descendents of the Floods?

Trusting all is well at your end.



I do not have any address for Flood relatives, but I am trying two of my correspondents and will let you know the result in due course. It is a great public service you are performing, congratulations.


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