
Longest Lunch in Marysville

Dear Mr. Gregory 

I’m just dropping you this line to say how much I enjoyed your description of Marysville and the Longest Lunch in 2005. I came across it searching for booking details for this year’s Longest Lunch in Marysville, we went last year and it was fantastic! 

More than that though, it served to show me how things in this world are linked in funny ways, and we are never far away from each other. What do they say about six degrees of separation? 

Anyway, for me there are two points of convergence here …. 

My dad was in the Australian Navy during WWII, he was a Sub-Lieutenant on the Cerberus. He passed away in 1995, aged 75. When we were young children we used to go to Marysville and stay at the Cumberland with my dad’s square dancing club.

Secondly, we have a holiday house at Marysville, a property called Woodbine, and we spend many, many restful, wonderful times there. Woodbine has a huge garden which was rather like a jungle when we bought the house in 2003 and my husband has restored it to its former glory and added his own touches. It keeps him sane after his busy stressful worklife in Melbourne. 

We will be attending the Longest Lunch this year with some friends from Melbourne who will be coming up to stay with us for the weekend.

Well enough from me, notes from a stranger and all that … 

Best wishes
Bonnie Simons

Research Assistant
Equity Research Centre

Web:  www.equityresearch.org.au

Dear Bonnie,

Thank you for your Mail, lovely spot Marysville.

My wife Denise was born at Alexandra, and lived at Buxton as a girl where her parents ran a Guest House, destroyed by a bush fire, and they all went off to Melbourne.

Our apartment on St Kilda Road sits in front of the Crest Hotel, so the Grand Prix circuit is but a stone's throw away, we cannot stand the noise generated by the Formula 1 cars, so always get out of here for the car races. This year we are off to Grovedale Olives at Kangaroo Ground for the 16th. and 17th. of March.

The people who run the Longest Lunch at Marysville never contact previous attendees to invite them to come again, not very good marketing in my view.

The Internet certainly brings diverse people together, and I never cease to be amazed at the range of contacts across this world of ours who get in touch with me because of something they read on Mac's Web Log.

Trust you have a great lunch on March 16, and thanks again for your contact with me.

Best wishes,

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