
John (Barney) Barr served on HMAS Vengeance

Hello Mac,

I was really inspired by your site: Referred by Jim Bauer - WW2 Pacific.

I'm fairly new to the web but coming across sites like yours make me realise it's a great way of maintaining and sharing our history. My  father John (Barney) Barr served on HMAS Vengeance during the period of  the royal tour 1953-54 - he was seconded as the press attache.

I've been putting together a journal of his RAN career as a navigational officer and have come across some quite good photos of this period on Vengeance.

If you would like a copy I'm happy to forward; one is attached.

I have a question also, I'm looking for information on the Japanese submarine I-15. Fairly obscure, the WW2 site has some basics. Would you have any suggestions as to where I could go to find a rough idea of her travels through later 1941. I believe she was sunk in Dec 1942.

All the best, Peter Barr


Thank you also for the attachment, very interesting, did you find the Royal Forgery on the flight deck of Vengeance on the site?

I was involved in that exercise, the Queen sent a signed photo of herself to Rear Admiral Dowling, we made a large pantograph, traced the signature in chalk on the flight deck, then stood 600 sailors on it, and photographed the result from a chopper. A copy was lowered to the Gothic for Her Majesty, her comment "What a fine Royal forgery.!"

Nice to hear from you.

Hello Peter,

I was delighted to hear from you, we have been away in NZ , only getting home last night.

I will see what I can find on I-15, and will get back to you.

Ahoy, is a joint operation between my very good friend Terry who lives in Atlanta Georgia, who runs the site and pputs up all my ramblings. We do get a lot of comment about things which people find there, and we appreciate  receiving any mail about our site.


Here is the I-15 link.




Great piece - if you need more photos of Vengeance, pls let me know. Keep up the good work

Cheers Peter

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