
Information about S.S. Palm or S.S. Bata?

April 17, 2011

My name is Yvonne and I live in Yorkshire England and I am trying to find out if an inscription in a bible is correct or false.

This is what it says 

June 23rd 1910

This is the only thing found from the wrecked of the SS. Palm. founed with all hands on the June 21st 1910

J.J.G.R. Dobinson


In God we trust

To my loving son John given on 27th June 1927 may it help to face the dangers of the sea.

J Dobinson M.M

30 Belsize av

I have tried searching the internet but it is taking for ever reading everything.

Thank you for your help




I cannot get anything up about SS Palm, An Elders ship named Bata was not built until 1919.

Bata 1919 1933 sold to Tower SS Co., renamed Tower Abbey. Tonnage 5,308

I can find nothing else about a ship carrying the name Bata.

Best regards,

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