
Information about Richard Lindenberg who was a U-boat captain?

Dear Sir,
I am writing to you to see whether you may be able to help me find out some information about a distant relative of mine. I hope that you don't think me ignorant in contacting you in this way.
I am interested in my great, great uncle Richard Lindenberg who was a U-boat captain.  I simply wish to find out about his service record etc and I was wondering if you could suggest the best way of going about it seeing as though you have done research in this area.
I hope that you can help.

I do not mind you contacting me at all, I assume Richard was in his U-boat in WW1, is that right?
 http://uboat.net/ probably has the greatest amount of information about German U-Boats in both wars of any site on the net, but I was unable to obtain any detail directly there.
Perhaps you might try sending an inquiry to the web master of U-Boat net, meanwhile I will continue to hunt for any information for you, if successful I will naturally come back to you.
Mac. Gregory.

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