
Information about Liberty ship Roger B Taney

November 28, 2010

Dear Sir,

I saw on your site you had some information on this ship (Roger B Taney page on AHOY). I am looking for info and may have some stuff to provide for those that were inquiring. I was going through my uncle's stuff, (he recently passed), and I found some papers and news clippings on the event.

My uncle was on watch and spotted the first torpedo. Can you please give me contact info so I can copy the papers and get them to those interested?

Thank you for any and all help you can offer.

-Michael O'Connor


I have asked Mike Juidici ("Liberty ship Liberty ship Roger B Taney torpedoed in the South Atlantic on the 2nd. of July 1943") to contact you directly. May I please have a copy of your Uncle's stuff so we may
add it to the Roger B Taney site on AHOY?


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