
Henderson Field in the Solomons, Name change?


My name is adam elliot. I am a journalist working at Madang on the central north coast of PNG. I am contacting yopu to let you know the National newspaper today reported a Japanese consultant have submitted a report on the restoration of Henderson Field in the Solomons. One recommendation is a name change. You can find the story at www.datec.com.pg - follow the newspaper links to todays National.

Petition to Keep Guadalcanal's "Henderson Field" Airport Name

The picture is of a Japanese field gun at Tadji airstrip in Aitape. It was pulled out of the bush, towed behind a car, about two years ago and is still there used to decorate a village.

Adam Elliott

Japanese field gun at Tadji airstrip in Aitape



Thank you for your thoughtfulness in E-Mailing me about Henderson Field, I am not able to find any link to Newspapers when I bring up the site you have included. Without seeing this article I would not like to see any name change for Henderson Field, named after a Marine Pilot who had earlier been killed in action.

The Japanese Field gun is interesting to see all these years after the end of WW2, I would have thought the jungle must have hidden such an item by now.

Kind Regards.
Mackenzie Gregory.

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