
Harold Davis was lost on HMS Juno in 1941

I read with great interest your correspondence on the above.
My Uncle Harold Davis was lost on HMS Juno in 1941, his sisters are still alive and have dear memories of him.
Do you know if it is possible to obtain a copy of the picture mentioned when Juno was hit. I know it would mean a great deal to them.
Thanking you
Steve Gullick

Here is the Juno story, "The destroyer Juno was the first ship lost to the air attacks of the Stukas, and aircraft from the Italian air force,"including a picture of her bombing by Italian aircraft.

I hope it is all of some help.
Best regards,
Mac. Gregory.

Thank you so much, this is the first time we have seen this.

Harold was a slightly mysterious character in the family, he was 'born out of wedlock' so to speak, but was much loved by his mother, step-father and sisters. The family was devastated when he was Killed on HMS Juno and have been trying to find information for years. The search was hampered by the fact that we were all told that he was lost on HMS Hood.

A letter surfaced from Harold written 6 days before he died and it is clearly from HMS Juno.

Thanking you once again, you really don't know just how much these little snippets of information mean.

Steve Gullick

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