
HMS Campbell and it's Battle Honour "Arctic 1942"

April 2, 2011

Further to the earlier correspondence concerning the destroyer HMS Campbell and it's Battle Honour "Arctic 1942", my late father served on HMS Campbell from January 1942 to September 1943.

He was convinced that the Campbell had been to Murmansk at least once, as he recollected not being allowed to go ashore because of the risk to life. However, all reference books that I have consulted state that the Campbell escorted only one Arctic Convoy, PQ18, and then no further than the Icelandic meeting point.

Nevertheless, this was deemed sufficient for my father to qualify for The Arctic Emblem. He was also the proud recipient of the 40th, 50th and 60th Commemorative Medals of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945, issued by the Soviet/Russian Governments.

Robin Main
Quincy, Massachusetts, USA


B a t t l e   H o n o u r s

HMS  Campbell

NORWAY 1940 - ATLANTIC 1942-43 - NORTH SEA 1941-45 - DOVER STRAIT 1942 - ARCTIC 1942 - NORMANDY 1944

I can find no evidence that HMS Campbell was an escort to a Russian Convoy.

Like you found, she is reported as an escort of PQ 18 as far as Iceland.

August   1942.    Detached for duty in Home Fleet at Scapa Flow.

2nd         Deployed as Local Escort from Loch Ewe for Russian Convoy PQ18 during passage to Iceland with HM Destroyers /ESKDALE, FARNDALE /and /MALCOLM./

7th          Detached from PQ18 on arrival of Ocean Escort. and returned to Scapa Flow.

(For details of all Russian Convoy operations see CONVOYS TO RUSSIA by R A Ruegg, CONVOY! by P Kemp and ARCTIC CONVOYS by R Woodman.

I have checked through the Russian Convoy base at http://www.convoyweb.org.uk/ without any reference to the

I have been through these books, to no avail.

    Ian Hawkins' "Destroyer, An Anthology of First Hand Accounts of the War at Sea 1939-1945."

    Richard Woodman's "Arctic Convoys" in my view the bible for detail of the Arctic Convoy run.

    Dan Van der Vat's "The Atlantic Campaign." and his "War Beneath The Sea."

I was awarded my Arctic Star Emblem  ( which I wear on my Atlantic Star ribbon ) for service in HMAS Australia when we went to Bear Island.

Best regards,

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