
George William Lamb went down with the HMS Alcantara in 1916

See "Father was on the Alcantara"

My Grans brother went down with the Alcantara in 1916

Name George William Lamb
Age 21
Royal Marine Light Infantry

Gran(now dead) told me he was a keen violinist and used to play on board. An officer did visit grans mum to offer sympathy and told grans dad, George was seen in the water with his bottom half blown away. We do have a picture of him with his two brothers(one of which died in the Artillery)

Hope this is of interest
Steve West


Thank you for your letter, we are always interested to hear from relatives who have something to add to one of our articles on AHOY. A number of our correspondents have been in contact with us about this ship, and those who served in her, or were unfortunately killed in that action.

If you care to send a scan of the photograph with George and his two brothers, we will put it up on our site in remembrance of him. 

Best wishes, 
Mac. Gregory.

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