
Gentlemen Cordite - The Life Rafts - Matapan


Thanks for sharing Bracegirdle's stories.

Especially The Life Rafts.

The story reminded me of a time when, even in the conduct of warfare, honor and decency and common humanity were not always absent from the dealings between enemies.

It appears I  may be about to be return to active duty as an Infantry Officer. If so, after a quick visit to  Leavenworth for the Command and General Staff Course, I'll likely head to the Big Sandbox. I shall try to remember The Life Rafts.

Greg Taggart
College Station, Texas


Thank you for your kind comments, Yes in times of war it is both unusual but none the less rewarding to see or hear of an incident such as the Life Rafts after Matapan.

Good luck in Iraq.

Best wishes.

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