
Florence Barrett - Athenia

October 24, 2012

Check out this historical document I found about Florence Barrett

you see them leaving Montreal on July 2, 1939 to visit their parents in England just before the war, they did not intend to stay so long as the war seemed iminent but getting on board a boat got tricky. So they finally got on the Athenia. Now Gertrude's last name is spelled differently there is an H at the end of Cuthbert(h) by accident. The three sisters named Barrett, two married men named Cuthbert.

- Gary

Gary found an interesting historical document with information about Florence Barrett and is sharing it with you.

View the document


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If you click on view the document.

It will bring up a passenger list for the ship Urana which contains Kathleen s aunts and an 8 year old daughter Jane.

All of whom sailed in Athenia but survived. I am yet to find who rescued them all and where they were taken.

I suspect they were rescued by one of the three British destroyers and were taken to Scotland.


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