
Father was on the Liberty ship Carol Lombard

My father was on the Liberty ship Carol Lombard when it was hit by fire from a submarine in the South Pacific.  Daddy says many soldiers were killed and the rest ended up in the water and they were rescued by a Dutch freighter called the Kota Baru.  We're guessing at the spelling.
I have been able to find articles on the Liberty ships and the Carol Lombard but I can't find anything on the Kota Baru.
Daddy remembers the Kota Baru's crew being Indian and sharing juice in tiny 1 oz. cups that looked like coffee creamers.  Daddy says everytime he sees little white coffee creamers it takes him back to that difficult time.  The Kota Baru took the soldiers to a convoy of U.S. warships that were making their way to the Phillipine Islands.
Any help you can give me will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much for your web site.
Beth Holmes Gagliardo Kilgo

Dear Beth,

Attached is a small piece about the Batu Maru, and her sister ship which was sunk, if I unearth any thing else will get back to you.  Thank you for your kind words about AHOY.


Sinking of the Kota Mara/592nd SAW Bn

Dear Mac,
Thanks for your speedy response.  You're amazing.
When I click on the link I get your picture (which I like very much) and then 12 of your latest articles.  Which one should I choose to read about the Batu Maru and do you think the Kota Baru is the Batu Maru?
I have never seen so many different links to this fascinating history in my life.  I am overwhelmed that you have collected so much and I love that it will keep me fascinated for years.
Daddy won't have a thing to do with the computer so I print off the articles and gift wrap them and give them to him for every occasion.  I can see from your web site that I have a lot of printing to do.
I am very thankful for all the time you have spent pulling the information together in one spot so I can continue to be thankful for all the men and women who were determined that we should have freedom.
Forever Grateful,

The last one from Beth, after I had told her about the bell episode.

Dear Mac,
You are so right.......What a "Good Read"...... about your visit with our President and what about that wonderful bell.  What a heart warming story with a great ending.  We don't hear enough of them, do we?
I felt like I was there and was chilled about your air flight that was changed at the last minute.  Thanks for sharing your great adventure to Washington.  Where is the bell now?  Are you still using it to christen the next generation. or was that a one in a lifetime occurance?
I was able to get to the article about the Kota Baru that you just wouldn't give up on and it means so much to me because I'll be giving it to Daddy along with plenty of war stories from your website in the hope that after all these years he will talk about those years.  He remembers every detail but he never let them out till now.  I printed him off some information about the new WWII Memorial that was just dedicated last Sunday in Washington by our President and wrapped the 200+ pages and gave them to him as a Memorial Day gift when we met him for lunch at his favorite restaurant last Saturday.  The more he talks about those years the more he remembers and I'm the most willing listener.
Were you and your lovely wife at our WWII Memorial dedication?  Pershaps if not you were able to watch it on t.v.  It was very touching and it was a long time coming, but well worth the wait.  It's very touching.
If you come across any more stories about the Kota Baru I'll welcome them and I did email the gentleman who wrote the letter about her and her sister ship.
I continue to visit your Ahoy sight everyday after work and sometimes I can't wait till I get home so I sneak a peak at work on my breaks.  Just fascinating, I'm addicted.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
P.S.  Please continue to be verbose, that the part I look for.

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