
Empress of Ireland


I had a friend find your web site and tell me about your painting of the Empress on the bottom of your page. (see "Ill fated Empress of Ireland, collides with Norwegian Collier Storstad on the 29th. of May, 1914. Over 1,000 perish") She was quite excited about it because I have almost the same painting in my office. There are some small differences because it was hand painted on glass. My painting unfortunately has been broken but it is still a great treasure to have as I am a Salvationist. I have had some inquires about selling my painting but I am unsure whether to do this or not.  Or what it is worth.  It is good to see that there is another one around.  I live in Tillsonburg, Ontario Canada.

Donna Acre


Nice to hear from you.

The Empress story is an interesting one.

I think I would be hanging on to the painting you have in your office. Its quite unique, and as it has been broken, no doubt would attract less money. You would soon spend whatever you may have received, now you get pleasure on a daily basis when you look at it in your office.

Be a true Salvationist, and save it!!

Love visiting your country.
Best wishes from Australia.

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