
Edmund John Lovegrove not on the Canberra crew list at the time of her sinking

June 11, 2009

hello mac

i am trying to trace my grandfathers death record with no luck cannot find it in genes reunited i know he served on the canberra he was a petty officer in the royal australian navy i was wondering whether you had a list of survivors and who didnt survive his name was edmund john lovegrove

from pamela


Your grandfather is not on the Canberra crew list at the time of her sinking, nor could I find him on the WW2 roll which carries a million names of those who served in WW2, he is also not on the Commonwealth War Graves Commission lists. I do not have anywhere else to search. Sorry!!



Thank you very much for looking for me its a mystery.


hi mac

please can you tell me when the canberra was commisioned what was her maiden voyage and how long did it last where was the canberra in october 1928 that was when my mum was born pam

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