
Bram's Dutch submarine site


Ahoy Mac,

A friend of mine just told me about your weblog. Its very good, packed with info, just how I love it, my compliments. I read afew article and bookmarked the site since a web
log should be visited frequently.

Of course I also added your log to the links page of my own site.

I did miss detailed info on the Dutch sub force in the article "Submarine Fleets over the 1939-1945 War"  ;-)

Greetings from Holland

Dutch Submarines: The Submarine of the Royal Netherlands Navy 1906-2003 http://www.dutchsubmarines.com


Thank you for E-Mail and your kind comments, I supply the content, but my friend Terry in Atlanta Georgia must take all the credit for the layout of Ahoy, and keeping it up to date, he runs all the difficult part in maintaining an up to date site.

We are always pleased to be linked to from another site interested in >Submarines, and will add a link to your site.

You are right, I have nothing about the Dutch Submarine service in WW2, other than a casual reference to them in the Pacific war. I must study your content, then, with your approval I will use some of  your details to remedy that situation.

Thanks again, and with kind regards,
Mac. Gregory.


You two are a great team. >The look&feel + contents is outstanding !

I have created a button in my browser so I can easily check your log for updates.
> >> he runs all the difficult part in maintaining an up to date site.
> >>
> >> We are always pleased to be linked to from another site interested in Submarines, and will add a link to your site.
>Thanks Gregory

> >> You are right, I have nothing about the Dutch Submarine service in WW2, other than a casual reference to them in the Pacific war. I must study your content, then, with your approval
>Of course that is ok. As long as you mention the source.
> > I will use some of your details to remedy that situation.
>Many Dutch subs were based in Australia (Fremantle/Perth/Darwin). The RAN even took over a submarine from our Navy, the  K IX. Only got one Q, what is that tune on your site ? Its nice but very sad :-(

Have a good Sunday Gregory

Greetings from The Hague

Ahoy Mac,

I saw the article the other day. Very nice.

Be aware that the one beforelast name is spelled incorrectly. It should be 'Tijgerhaai', and not 'Tigjerhaai'  There are several other memorial (also two more in Australia) on the Dutch Subs:


I also read the article on the Dutch explorers on the Aussie coast. Now I know where to send my colleges when they tell me again that Cook discovered Australia :-))

Did you know in Holland we built a replica by hand (using old methods and tools) of the Batavia ? More info (english) at


Lots of young pople that are on the brink of going in the wrong direction worked on the
project and learned a profession that way.

Currently they are building the '7 provindcien' at the same yard.

Greetings from Holland

Dutch Submarines: The Submarine of the Royal Netherlands Navy 1906-2003 http://www.dutchsubmarines.com


I've just been informed that on the Submarine plaque the second last name of the Dutch Subs is wrongly spelt. It should be Tijgerhaai, and not Tigjerhaai.

Could you please add a note under the plaque pointing this out?

Ahoy Mac,

Just read your article "Dutch Submarine Operations. WW2, 1941-1945"

Great stuff very nice, also thanks for mentioning the site.


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