
Documentary about the liberty ships built in coastal Georgia, USA, during WWII

Mr. Gregory and Mr. Kearns,

I am completing a not-for-profit documentary about the liberty ships built in coastal Georgia, USA, during WWII.  I had to go online to find images of sinking freighters, to demonstrate why the Libertys were needed.

Do you know if I need permission to use the attached image, which I found on your website, in my program?

Thanks-- Michael Jordan
Savannah, GA  USA


You are fine to use the image see below.
AWM Caption: United States of America Liberty Ship 'Starr King' sinks off Port Macquarie, NSW after being torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. During the six months after 18 January 1943, Japanese attacked 21 Allied ships totalling 109,651 tons off the East Coast of Australia and ships totalling 50,022 tons were sunk.

    This image was created in Australia and is now classified as being in the public domain because its term of copyright have now expired. According to the Australian Copyright Council (ACC), ACC Information Sheet G23 (Duration of copyright) (Sep 2005),

Best regards,

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