
Did US Cruiser USS Pueblo (formerly the Colorado) sink sank a German raider off Magdalina Bay in 1917


I ran across your web site while doing research for my web site. My web site is devoted to the US Coast Artillery Corps during WWI and also the US Navy during WWI. I have recently put up a web page on the US Cruiser USS Pueblo (formerly the Colorado) and in doing so I’m still doing additional research on her.

My question to you is about German surface raiders of WWI. I have found that sometime in May 1917 the USS Pueblo sank a German raider off Magdalina Bay on the West Coast of Mexico. Below I’ll give you the links to my Pueblo page and also my main page.

Here is an excerpt from my Pueblo page that deals with the German raider incident:

“On 14 May 1917 the Destroyer USS STEWART (DD13) is patrolling the harbor entrance outside the mole at Colon when she hears of news that the PUEBLO has been in a fight with a German surface radar. PUELBO has 7 holes in her side and the Number 1 and 3 stacks are shot up. During the fight the PUEBLO sinks the German raider and took 128 German prisoners and 2 aero planes. This took place off Magdalina Bay on the West Coast of Mexico.

"From a report from the STEWART the PUEBLO on 16 May, was moored to the dock in Balboa along with the USS ST. LOUIS, USS WHIPPLE and the USS TRUXTUN was in the dry dock. The next day the PUEBLO went into the dry dock at Balboa for repairs from her fight with the German Rader. Finished with repairs on 21 May PUEBLO comes out of the dry dock and the USS PITTSBURG went in.”

Can you help me to research this more. Or do you know about this event.

Here is the link to my USS Pueblo page:

And the link to my main Coast Artillery Corps Page:

I hope to hear from you soon and I found your web site most informative and helpful.
Joe Hartwell

Preserving the History of the United States Army, Coast Artillery Corps During WWI
Web site: http://freepages.military.rootsweb.com/~cacunithistories/>

Hello Joe,

Thank you for your interesting message.

I have neither heard nor read of the incident between USS Pueblo and a German Raider in Magdalina Bay ( I think that it should be Magdalena Bay )

In my research, and in the books I have about the German Armed Merchant Raiders of WW1, I have never come across any reference to the incident you report. I thought I had found all the German Armed Raiders of WW1, but perhaps no.

In searching the records of USS Colorado subsequently renamed USS Pueblo, I cannot find any report about her in combat with a German Raider in Magdalena Bay off the coast of Mexico in May of 1917.

Joe, where did you turn up the report from USS Stewart that talked about this battle?

All very mysterious.

I am sorry I am unable to help you more with this story, but would love to learn in the future if you track more down.

With best regards,
Mac. Gregory.


Thanks for getting back to me. Yes I also found no note about this in the Colorado/Pueblo histories. I found it on this web site. http://users3.ev1.net/~de238/stewart/kok_may17.html

Look on the Monday May 14 entry. That is where I picked it up from. I sure would like to know more about this. Did you visit my web site?
Joe Hartwell

The price of liberty is worth us remembering what another generation has paid for it! Please visit my Web Site http://freepages.military.rootsweb.com/~cacunithistories/>


Yes, I have visited your web site, and enjoyed that experience.

There is just an amazing amount of information on the internet, and If one knows where to look, you are able to learn so much.

Nice to meet you via an E-Mail.

Kindest regards,

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