
Did Arthur Holmes, a British Royal Navy reservist, serve in HMAS Sydney?

Complete Honour Roll of all the crew who were lost in HMAS Sydney after her fight with the German Raider Kormoran.

January 05, 2009

Hello Mackenzie

I have enjoyed reading your web log on the HMAS Sydney engagement with the Emden.

For many years I have tried to trace a crew list of the Sydney for that day to confirm (and find more out about) a family member of mine (Arthur Holmes) who was on board. Arthur Holmes was a British Royal Navy reservist who emigrated to Australia. I have always assumed he must have volunteered for the RAN at the outbreak of the First World War. He subsequently enlisted in 1916 in the AIF (33rd battalion) and died in France in 1918. I have been able to find his AIF service records but not his RAN records. It is through family history that we know he served on the Sydney.

Have you ever heard of such a crew list being in existence, perhaps linked to the distribution of the memorial coins by the Sydney Jeweler W Kerr.

Many thanks for any help/info you can give me.

Brian Urwin

This is all I could find.
From a book with a crew list from HMAS Sydney 1,

The book "Australia's First Naval Fight"

The book is only a 16 page soft covered "brochure" or similar. It has everything I wanted to know - gives a complete crew list with home addresses, e.g.
The roll I have has only one Holmes,
7924 AB Herbert Holmes

The 7000 number series indicates an RN sailor on loan or transfer.
The National Library of Australia has a copy:

Copies Direct - Copies Order Form


Many thanks Mac. I'll order up the document. It should have what's needed to establish or otherwise our family story. I'm very grateful for the lead you have given.
best wishes

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