
Crew and or passenger list of Hitachi Maru which was captured by SMS WOLF near the Maldives in September 1917?

Hi Mac,

I wonder if anyone could please assist me with the crew and or passenger list of Hitachi Maru which was captured by SMS WOLF near the Maldives in  September 1917?

Many thanks 
Peter Hohnen

(See also "List of prisoners aboard the Wolf")

I found this lot, it may be useful to you.

Suggest you follow up at the IWM for A H F Clarke's account mentioned here.


The attached photograph shows what I believe are a group of civilians in Gustrow POW camp in March 1918. There are three signatures on the back plus five names added by my grandfather who was in the camp from 1914. Those that can count will note that this is eight names in total and only seven people on the photograph! The names appear to be; ? Bruce Sawyer, W August Pridom?, Gordon Allday, Bartlett, Clark, Hodges, Povill and Garland. My guess at the moment is that these were prisoners taken by the raider Wolf. I know that some of the civilians taken by the Wolf ended up in Gustrow as there is an account by A H F Clarke in the IWM archives which I have yet to get a look at (including a photograph of him) This may be the same Clark as in the photograph. One of Wolf's prisoners was a young englishman captured on board the Japanese ship Hitachi Maru. He was on his way home to enlist. Being taken prisoner before enlisting must be unique! Apparently the Geneve convention did not stretch to civilians and they were treated with contempt. One Australian businessman was forced to push a night cart at the point of a bayonet! Does anyone know anything about civilian prisoners or where I can find passenger lists?


civilians in Gustrow POW camp in March 1918

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