
Count Felix

I was just turned on to Count von Luckner by a book given to me a month ago.
It is a fantastic story, and I wonder why a movie wasn't made about this incredible man.
best wishes

Rich Anderson
(Admiral/Chesapeake Bay)


Thank you for your mail, I agree the Count was an amazing character, the likes of whom is never likely to be seen again.

I am suprised by the amount of interest shown in him since I first wrote the piece that is up on AHOY, by far the greatest number of comments from around the world have come to me about him, far more than anything else I may have done.

Is the book the recent one by Blaine Pardoe The Cruise of the Sea Eagle? 

See this URL:
for a TV film on the Count, in the series, This is Your Life.

But I do agree, a full length documentary on his career would certainly be worth while, perhaps it may be too hard to accept it was fact rather than fiction, as many of the Count's exploits appeared, of course he never let a good story get in the way of the real truth, and he was a great promoter of the Luckner story. I did make the comment, in today's world he would have been a wonderful Marketing Director.

None the less, he was a swashbuckler in WW1, a great seaman, and took a lot of trouble not to take the lives of his victims.

Nice to hear from you, and you hail from a lovely part of the US.

Best wishes from Australia. 
Mac. Gregory.

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