
Congratulations for the Pride of Australia Medal

November 7, 2011

Hello Mac, 

Sir, this is Emerson from the States.  I've written you before, perhaps a bit exhaustively, yet I checked back on your site this evening and would like to congratulate you on the Pride of Australia Medal. 

I think your countrymen and fallen servicemen are extremely fortunate for all you strive to do for and in remembrance of them. For my own part, I am proud and grateful to have been able to correspond with yourself at
all, and although a lot separates us, it is gratifying to have had the priviledge.

Your generation is truly the greatest, in my view. I know it ultimately does us no good to ape the past, but I'll sure miss you guys! There can sadly be no replacement.  


My thanks of your very kind words, I am humbled by your comments.

Best regards,

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