
Blog of expedition to Namibia which will visit where Dunedin Star was beached

Hello Mac,

 I'm Keith Atkinson I recently posted a message on Ahoy asking for information ref the Dunedin Star. On the 27th of this month I'm part of a British Army expedition to Namibia and will be visiting and staying over night at the location where the ship was beached. I posted Dennis Scully's anecdote about whiskey smuggling to the expedition commander, he's asked me if I'm in contact with Dennis, could you contact him and ask if he's willing to contact me direct, keith@rheged.net

If your interested have a look at the expedition blog.


Many thanks,

I have sent a message to Dennis, passing on your request, and just hope you may hear from him directly.
Best wishes for a successful expedition, please share your journey with me, so we may pass on your experiences to our AHOY followers.
Best regards,

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