
 Angus Cameron Mc Intyre of  Dunedin Star


I was asked by my father to look up information on the internet about the Dunedin Star, sunk on the coast of Namibia. One of his friends took a photo of a grave stone on a recent trip to the Skeleton coast of someone called Angus Cameron Mc Intyre. As this name is the same as my father and myself we thought we would look into the story.
I would like to know if you have any information available on him, who he was and if any survivors may have some info as well. Appreciate your efforts and congratulations on a wonderful site!

Kind Regards

Angus C. Mc Intyre


I will reply separately how to access the book by Marsh Skeleton Coast, available on the internet after US $ 10 is remitted.

It has a section listing howeach survivor from Dunedin Stare was resued at the time.


Mac. Gregory.


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