
Air Vice Marshal Sydney Osborne BUFTON

Dear Mr Mackenzie J Gregory

I have just discovered your very interesting website in our local  library  -- "Ahoy - Mac's Web Log" and am writing to express my  interest in your correspondence with Mr. Richard Downer. (see: "Father commanded the Northern Spray on Convoy ONS5")

I noticed mention that Richard Downer's  father-in-law was the late Air Vice Marshal Sydney Osborne BUFTON and as I am carrying out research into his life and times, particularly his RAF sporting achievements, and family life, thought I should contact you.

In the early stages of WWII, he was responsible for converting 76 Squadron, Bomber Command aircrew onto the new four engine heavy bomber, the Handley Page Halifax. My late father also served on the same Squadron.

1. I have just returned from a very interesting visit to the 'Archive Department' of Dean Close Public School where Sydney Bufton was educated and was kindly shown what the department held on him. They too were in need of updating his RAF sporting achievements and family life though fairly aware of his RAF work in establishing the 
'Pathfinder Force' possibly from reading the recent publication  "Forming The Pathfinders, The Career Of Air Vice-Marshal Sydney Bufton  "Forming The Pathfinders, The Career Of Air Vice-Marshal Sydney Bufton" by the Revd Hugh Melinsky

Would you therefore be kind enough to forward the contents of this  letter on to Mr Richard Downer who I hope may be able to help me. I  have copied the Revd. Charles Whitney,  Dean Close School Archivist, so as to keep him informed. Thank you.

With all good wishes,
Norman Hood

To:    "Richard Downer"

Hello Richard,

I trust all is well with you. This E-Mail is self evident, would you please care to respond to Norman directly as convenient.

Best wishes,

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