
Ada May Waterman, was aboard Athenia when it was torpedoed in 1939. She survived.

August 31, 2009

Dear Mac

My grandmother, Ada May Waterman, was aboard Athenia when it was torpedoed in 1939. She survived, spent the night in a lifeboat, saw the submarine which surfaced briefly, and made it back to port aboard a rescue ship.
I, myself, travelled back to Canada from Southampton aboard Athenia on its previous, and last successful,
voyage to Canada. My grandmother sent me home one trip ahead of our scheduled return because of the rumours of imminent war.

My question: Why can't I find her name in the survivor's list on Wikipaedia (sp?) which was apparently copied
from your list?

Larry Hobbs
Toronto Canada


I do not have a complete list of Athenia survivors on AHOY.

The list of those picked up by British destroyers and taken to Grennock is incomplete.

I have yet to turn up a total list of those survivors.


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